Blood is Mine Wiki

Plaire Stevens is the current protagonist of the webcomic My Delirium Alcazar[1].


Plaire has had numerous items in her inventory over the course of her adventure.

Image Description
  • Housekey, to your brand new house
  • Housekey, to your fucked up nightmare house
  • House key to your fucked up nightmare house
Id card
  • ID Card for one Plaire Stevens of Addersfield, Misuschaqua. Also functions as a free pass for Chariot MT buses.
  • ID card for one Plaire Stevens of Addersfield, Misuschaqua. Also functions as a free pass for Chariot MT buses and a library card.
  • A small stack of dead presidents.
  • Almost zero dead presidents, but not exactly zero dead presidents
  • A little money. Plaire can have a little money, as a treat.
Potato. Poh-tay-toh
  • A visitor's brochure for the small mountain town of Ninelives, Misuschaqua.
  • Aฬตอˆฬซฬคฬฉฬนอ–ฬคฬบฬ˜อˆฬฬ‹ฬ’อ‚อ› ฬถอ•ฬบฬ ฬฎอ”ฬบฬ‹อ›ฬˆฬฬพฬ’อ—ฬพอ’ฬ‚ฬšอvฬตฬขอŽฬบฬผฬญฬ–อ“ฬฃฬžฬžฬพฬ‡ฬ…ฬพฬ‰ฬฟอŠฬ”ฬ•ฬ•ฤฉฬทฬขฬ™ฬญฬฆฬชฬฏฬฬ“ฬ”ฬอ ลŸฬดฬ–ฬœฬคอŽฬนฬฌฬฬ‚ฬฬˆฬ…ฬอ—ฬ”ออ…อ…iฬดฬงฬ›ฬฆฬฏอ‡ฬ–ฬ…ฬ‡ฬฝฬ“ฬฬ“อŠฬ”ฬออ…tฬทฬจฬ™ฬฌอšฬŽอ…วซฬถฬ ฬฆฬซฬนฬฅอˆฬฬ‹อŒฬพฬฬ‡ฬ”ฬอ‹อ˜rฬตฬ‰อ›อ†อœ'ฬตฬฎฬ ฬŸฬฟฬˆฬฬอ›ฬฬ‹ลŸฬตฬŸฬบฬคฬ™ฬฅอ™ฬฆอ‡ฬปฬฉฬ‚อŠฬ„อ’อ†อ‹ฬฬฬ“ฬ• ฬถฬฬƒอ†อ‘ฬ“ฬอ˜bฬทฬ›อ‰อ‡ฬœฬฬŒอ’ฬฟฬŽฬšฬšอrฬธอ•อ™ฬ ฬปฬฅฬฏอŽฬ˜อ‘ฬ“oฬตฬงฬœฬฆฬฬปฬชฬฆฬฬฝฬˆฬฬˆฬฬอœอcฬธฬฐอ‡อ“ฬญอ”ฬฬฏอŒฬ“ฬฬฬฟฬƒฬฬอŠฬ€อœhฬตฬ›ฬญฬบอ‡ฬคอฬŸฬ“ฬ†อ‘ฬuฬดฬ”ฬ‰ฬฬ“อ‚ฬšอœอ rฬดฬจฬงฬนฬคอ”ฬ–ฬ–ฬ˜ฬบฬŽอ…ศฉฬตฬฆฬฒฬซอŽอ‰ฬณฬ‹ฬ€ฬ„ฬ‘อ… ฬถฬžฬบอ‰ฬŸฬฃฬฌฬญอ”อ“ฬฎอ‹ฬออfฬถฬกฬฒฬฎฬซฬ˜ฬฃฬบฬ—ฬปอˆฬฬ‘ฬ„ฬ†ฬ•อ˜แป›ฬธฬฑฬฉฬฃฬžอ‡อˆอ”ฬฃฬอ‘ฬ†ฬƒอ‚อ‹อ‘ฬฟอ…rฬธฬคฬ—ฬฅฬ˜ฬ€ฬ…อฬ€ฬŽฬˆฬอ˜อœอ ฬถฬฉฬ†ฬฬ€ฬ‰ฬˆฬ‹tฬถฬปอ™อ™ฬชฬŠอŒฬŽhฬทฬ–ฬ˜ฬฬ€ฬ‹ฬอeฬตฬกฬขฬ˜อ‡ฬฉฬนอšอ‡ฬ’อ—ฬ…อŠฬ’ฬ„ฬ•อ… ฬถฬ˜ฬปฬŸอฬผฬซฬอ–ฬฃฬฉฬ‡ฬฬ‹อsฬทฬจฬ›ฬ™อ”อŽฬบฬซอšฬฏฬอ‹ฬ€ฬ„ฬฝmฬดฬขอ™ฬฐฬฌฬฐฬ–ฬณฬผฬฎฬปอ‹ฬˆฬอ‚ฬˆฬฬƒฬฬƒอ‚ฬŠอรคฬตฬฆฬžอŽอšฬอ•ฬปอlฬธฬซอˆฬบฬฌฬณฬœฬฐฬˆฬฬ“ฬ€อ†ฬŒฬ‡ฬ†อ—ฬšอ˜อœอฤผฬดฬบฬฏฬ’ฬ†อ ฬดฬงฬขฬ›ฬฅอˆฬฒฬžฬฃฬŸฬฏฬ ฬบอ—ฬฬŠฬŽฬฬฬˆฬ„ฬŽฬ•mฬดฬขฬญฬอ‚แป›ฬตฬปอ•ฬฒฬ ฬฐอ‚อ‘อœuฬธอˆฬคฬฬฎอ•ฬฑอฬซฬžฬŸอŒฬ‡ฬ†อ’ฬˆฬ“อฬฝอŒแน‹ฬธฬขฬคฬžฬ‘ฬŠอŒอ›ฬ€อ‘อ›ฬฬ•tฬดฬกฬกฬงฬฬนฬชฬƒอ›อ†ฬƒอŒฬˆฬฬŒฬ•ออ aฬดฬ—ฬนฬชฬ”ฬ„อ รฌฬธฬขฬฉฬฃฬฌฬฟฬ‰อ‘ฬฬ‡ฬnฬทฬปฬฐฬอ›อ‘ ฬถฬนฬฎอŽอ‡ฬ‹ฬŒฬ€อ‘ฬฝฬŽแนญฬถฬซอˆฬณฬ–ฬฑฬฆฬบฬ‰ฬฬ‘ฬˆฬอœลฬทฬ˜ฬฉฬฉฬฅฬฃอšฬ˜อ•ฬ˜ฬ—อ—ฬƒอœอ wฬตฬจฬกฬบฬฆฬปฬฬฬƒฬ…ฬ•อnฬตฬกฬขฬบฬฆฬบฬฒอ‡ฬนฬฬฬอ อ… ฬธฬกอšฬฒฬ‹ฬ…ฬˆฬŽฬฬ‘อŠฬŠอ—ฬ‡ฬ†อœoฬธฬซอšออ‚ฬอfฬทฬกฬจอˆอšฬฃฬœฬฉฬฌอ™ฬฉฬอ—ฬพอ—ฬ‰ฬ‰อ‘ฬ‹ฬšอœอ ฬตฬกฬ›ฬŸฬ–ฬฃฬ‹ฬฬ€ฬ‡อฬอ—ฬ‚ฬ†อ’Nฬตฬ›ฬ อ–ฬณฬŸฬฆอ–อ‰ฬ—ฬชอ‰ฬ‘ฬ”อ’อœiฬธฬฑฬผฬ–ฬปอˆฬ™ฬฏฬฉฬ“อ’ฬ‡อœอ…nฬทฬฏฬฅอ–ฬ…ฬฬ“ฬ“อ‘อ’ฬŒeฬทอ‡ฬฉฬปอˆฬ“ฬฬ‹อŠอ‚ฤบฬตฬกฬปฬบอ–ฬ—อŽฬ–ฬฬ–ออ‰อฤฏฬดอ‰ฬฉฬบอ‰ออˆฬฆอ‚อ‹อ—อ’vฬถอ‰ฬฎฬชฬบฬ–ฬปฬžฬฌอˆฬฝeฬทอ‰ฬ™ฬ—ฬžฬฌอ”อˆฬผฬซอ™อ‘ฬƒอŒฬŒฬ…ฬ’ฬsฬตฬณฬ—ฬผฬฎฬ‹อ›ฬˆฬฬŠฬ‘อ—ฬ‹ฬš,ฬตฬ›ฬ›ฬ—ฬœอ‡อ•ฬชฬนอˆอ‘ฬŠฬ€อŠฬ‘ฬˆฬ‡ฬฬš ฬถฬขฬกอ‰อ‰ฬซอšฬผฬ†ฬ€ฬฬ’ฬMฬทฬซฬŸอ‡อ‰ฬ–ฬณฬŸฬ™ฬญอ‡ฬŠอ†อ’อ’ฬอ iฬธอšฬฬซฬ“อ‘ฬ“sฬถอ™อ“อšฬนฬญอ‰ฬชฬ อ“อŠอœอ…แปงฬตฬงฬกฬจsฬถฬกฬฐอ‡อ”อŒอŠฬ”อ—ฬƒฬ•cฬตฬจฬจอˆฬฌฬฆอฬŸฬชฬนอ“อ‡ฬˆอ›ฬ“hฬธฬฌฬ—ฬ˜ออฬŸฬ˜อ‰ฬซอ‰ฬ„อ†ฬพฬ‡ออœอ ฤ…ฬทฬฏฬœฬ˜ฬ—ฬญอ•ฬผอฬ„อ’qฬตฬฆฬ‹อœลซฬตอ‡ฬฅฬฉฬ ฬณฬบฬ„ฬ”อŠฬˆฬฬ”ฬ„ฤ…ฬถฬขฬขอˆฬŸฬŸฬฆฬฉฬฑฬชฬ—ฬ“ฬฝฬ€อ†ฬ•.ฬตฬขอ‡ฬบฬฃฬผฬฎฬŸฬนฬณฬฐฬ‰ฬŽฬŒฬ’ฬ”ออ’อ›อ˜อ 
  • An extremely outdated visitor's brochure for the small mountain town of Ninelives, Misuschaqua. Someone has written the word SOMNIPLAN on the inside corner.
  • Brainsate (x2). Off-market anxiety medication.
  • Brainsate (x1). Off-market anxiety medication.
  • Brainsate (x0). Off-market anxiety medication.
Kates pen
A red pen but with black ink. Received from Kate.
  • A blank notebook you got from Bebe.
  • A notebook you got from Bebe. It contains hastily scrawled notes about your adventure thus far.
Dream ring
  • A Dream Ring from The Back Room.
  • A dream ring from The Back Room. Allows you to copy the powers of one accomplice while in the dream.
Cell phone
A cheap cell phone, given to you by Afu.
A toolbox. It contains: A screwdriver, a wrench, a knife, brown rope, blue rope, 3 old keys
Junk armor
Junk armor made from a motorcycle helmet, MMA gloves, and fightball pads.
Makeshift polearm
Makeshift polearm made from two broom handles, tape, a broken knife blade, and a detached hatchet head.

New Inventory System[]

Starting at page 142, a new journal layout was introduced, using text instead of icons and descriptions.

๐Ÿ’ต Money: $7

๐Ÿ’Š Pockets: Bag of Candy Cell Phone House Key ID [+Bus Pass, +Library Card] Metal Flask [Empty] Ninelives Visitor Brochure Notepad Red Pen

๐ŸŽ€ Wear: Dream Ring

๐Ÿ“ฆ Dungeon Loadout: Fightball Pads Makeshift Polearm MMA Gloves Motorcycle Helmet Toolbox

๐Ÿ’ฐ Dungeon Loot: -----

๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ Maps: Drowning Prison 1F Drowning Prison B1 Drowning Prison B2

โ›“๏ธ Known Arcana: 0. The Fool - Plaire Stevens [????] 12. The Hanged Man - ???? [????] 15. The Devil - Kate Halford [????] 19. The Sun - Cici [????]

Dream Inventory[]

Plaire also carries items in her dreams. Items from the dream world do not carry over to the real world, but any items Plaire goes to sleep with will appear in her dream. Their real world counterparts are unaffected by what happens to them in the dream.


Plaire quickly tires of social interaction, just going to the grocery store was mentally exhausting for her[2].

She is physically uncoordinated[3].

She has almost no cooking experience[4].

She is prone to either saying nothing, or saying EVERYTHING[4][5][6].

